Found 4 listings
Listing Status: Sold
Listing ID: CA031323
Triavo Health is pleased to present a well-established home health and hospice agency in Southern California. ADC: 188 skilled HH & 43 H. Great referrals from doctors & surrounding hospitals. No debt, clean license, low ALOS, and no cap. Payor: predominantly Medicare Top Line Revenue of $6.7M with estimated EBITDA of $1.46M
California, USA
Listing Status: Sold
Listing ID: PA021220
They have established a close relationship with medical directors, assisted living centers, and long-term care facilities. Focusing on outpatient care with an ADC of 26. In 2019 the Hospice and Home Health grossed over $2.3M with an estimated EBTIDA around $540,000. The Hospice is co-located with the Home Health and has about 2,700 sq/ft. Please reach out for more details. EBITDA: $540,000
Pennsylvania, USA